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Baby Steps to Note-Taking for Interpreters™

Performance-Based Continuing Education Workshop

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About the Note-Taking for Interpreters Workshop

This workshop provides 2 hours of continued education
CCHI CAEP Accreditation Id: 02446
IMIA CEU Id 18-1014

Workshop/Course Description: Whether you are a new or seasoned interpreter this workshop will introduce Note-Taking as a cognitive skill for interpreters.  The presentation will address pitfalls of taking notes incorrectly as well as the benefit of effective note-taking.  It further introduces step-by-step activities that interpreters can take to better develop note-taking skills.
Learning Objectives – by the end of this webinar, interpreters will be better equipped to:

Understand the cognitive skills involved in note-taking
Describe how taking notes ad hoc can affect interpreters accuracy and completeness in a negative way
Identify best practices for taking notes for effective communication

This workshop is now self-paced and can be attended any day of your choice.  Once you register, indicate the date you would like to attend, and you will be provided with timed access to lecture and activities
Registration Fee $70

To register, please fill out the form below and submit payment

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