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Interpreting for Prenatal Genetics

A continuing education workshop for interpreters in health care

This prenatal genetics workshop provides continuing education 
Approved by CCHI  CAE for 4 hours Id#08882
 Approved for 0.5 RID CEU, Activity Number: 0121.0119.05

IMIA CEU Pending

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prenatal genetics

Genetics is finding its way into many different areas of healthcare these days. While interpreters should optimally have training in how genetics is applied in all areas of medicine, this 4-hour training will focus specifically on prenatal genetics. By going more deeply into just one area of genetic medicine, we hope to use the short time afforded by a workshop format to effectively improve interpreter understanding – and so interpreter practice – in this focused and previously unaddressed sphere.

This course is designed for interpreters who have already received basic training. As such, it does not address basic interpreting skills, ethics or protocols, but rather focuses on helping working interpreters improve their understanding of the content and vocabulary they will encounter in prenatal genetics appointments.

At the end of this presentation, you will be able to:

•Explain some basic concepts in genetics.
•Indicate three circumstances under which patients would likely be referred for prenatal genetic counseling.
•Describe the work of the prenatal genetic counselor and what you can expect in a prenatal genetic counseling session.
•Describe categories of tests a provider may order related to prenatal genetics. 

Consecutive Interpreting activities are available for Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese & Arabic

About the Prenatal Genetics Training

this curriculum was developed by

Cynthia Roat, MPH; Lila Aiyar, MSc, CGC, CCGC
Lori Williamson Dean, MS, CGC
Alissa Bovee Terry, ScM, CGC, LCGC
Meredith Weaver, PhD, ScM, CGC

with funding from
The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics
as the
National Coordinating Center for the Regional Genetics Networks

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