Does your organization need a language assessment to determine bilingual staff’s ability to speak Spanish or another language?
REACH can help you!
Being bilingual means to have a certain level of comfort and competency at speaking two languages. Because people’s education, social and economic environment have a great influence in a child’s language acquisition, there are many layers if bilingualism. However, in general bilingualism can be Bilingualism is divided into three different types: co-ordinated bilingualism, compound and late bilingualism. Both co-ordinated bilingualism and compound bilingualism develop in early childhood and are considered as types of early bilingualism. The third kind of bilingualism, late bilingualism, develops when a second language is learned after the age of 12, or after puberty.
Many workers who identify as bilinguals are either native speakers of another language or heritage speakers of a second language. Heritage speakers are early learners of a language via linguistic exposure through family and friends. Because many heritage speakers have lived in a monolingual setting, they may have not learned their second language at full capacity, especially where language-specific vocabulary is concerned.
Our language assessment aims to measure linguistic abilities in the areas of fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and listening comprehension based on the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILRS) proficiency scale.
With this goal, REACH has developed an in-house assessment tool for Healthcare Organizations, Language Service Providers and Academia to determine the bilingual strength in staff who may serve non-English or limited-English speaking communities.
REACH relies on highly experienced linguists who have been trained specifically to conduct language assessment and measure oral language proficiency in a particular language.

We are proud to offer language assessments in the following languages:
English – Mandarin – Chinese – Cantonese Chinese – Burmese – Hmong- Nepali – Cambodian – Armenian – Punjabi – Hindi – Urdu – Tagalog – Korean – Arabic – Somali – Russian – Haitian Creole – French – Italian – Portuguese – Polish – Croatian – Serbian – Spanish – Mixteco Alto – Mixteco Bajo – Mam – Tamil – Vietnamese – Indonesian
Want to inquire more about a particular language?
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