A continuing education workshop for interpreters in health care
This cancer genetics workshop provides 4 hours of self-paced continuing education
CCHI CAEP Id 05725
IMIA CEU Id 18-1015
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Workshop/Course Description:
Genetics is finding its way into many different areas of healthcare these days. While interpreters should optimally have training in how genetics is applied in all areas of medicine, this 4-hour training will focus specifically on cancer genetics. By going more deeply into just one area of genetic medicine, we hope to use the short time afforded by a workshop format to effectively improve interpreter understanding – and so interpreter practice – in this focused and previously unaddressed sphere.
At the end of this workshop, you’ll have a clear understanding of:
- Basic concepts in genetics
- The value of genetic testing
- The work of a genetic counselor
- What to expect in a cancer genetic counseling session
About the Cancer Genetics Training
Consecutive Interpreting activities are available for Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, & Russian
this curriculum was developed by
Cynthia Roat, MPH; Galen Joseph, PhD
Claudia Guerra MSW; Janice Cheng, PhD
Robin Lee, LCGC; Karlena Lara-Otero, PhD
with funding from
The University of California, San Francisco
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Give Breast Cancer the Boot
This workshop is self-paced and can be attended any day of your choice. Once you register, indicate the date you would like to attend, and you will be provided with timed access to lecture and activities
Registration Fee $200 (includes three-day access to all consecutive mode cancer genetics audio practices)