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A Self-Care Course for Interpreters – Brain Power & Emotional Fitness™

This workshop provides 2 hours of continued education
CCHI CAEP Accreditation Id: 05731

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About this self-care training

Interpreters can have quite a demanding role as they navigate a variety of situations to facilitate communication between patients, family members and providers.  This workshop is designed to take a quick look at the possible ethical risks linked to interpreters who are emotionally and mentally drained, and provide a set of tips to maintain power of mind and emotional well-being.

Learning Objectives – by the end of this webinar, interpreters will be better equipped to:

Review or identify possible reasons for emotional and brain stress for Interpreters
Become aware of potential ethical risks when brain energy and emotions are drained
Know ways to practice self-care to maintain emotional fitness and brain power on a daily basis

Registration Fee $75

To register, please fill out the form below and submit payment

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